Strathcon will expand this list of Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q - What do I do if I want to purchase a bulk quantity of product,  example - 20,000 screws?
    A - Place the quantiy of the product you want into the cart. Save as a wish List. Choose email wish List, select quote_request@strathcon.com
  2. Q - I found the products on your site, I want a quote because the quantites are large. What should I do?
    A - Place all the items in your shopping cart, proceed to checkout and save as a wish list. Using the built in features, return to your wishlist and send the wish list to quote_request@strathcon.com.
  3. Q - How can I order from Strathcon without using a credit card?
    A - Download a Credit Appication,  First order must be purchased with Credit Card. 7-10 days to process a credit application. References will be checked.
  4. Q - What is the minimum Quantity I can purchase?
    A - There is no mimimum. Small Quantites may incur a small handling fee in the shipping cost.
  5. Q - What is the minimum value of an order placed with Strathcon?
    A - There is no minimum value of an order at Strathcon. Low value orders may incur a small handling fee in the shipping cost.
  6. Q - I found products on your site that I want my company to purchase. Is there an easy way to accomplish this.
    A - Yes, save as a wish list, add your companies purchaser email to your wish list contacts. Send you wish list to your new contact. Your purchaser will receive your wish list link via an Email. If your purchaser creates an account with the 5 letter code in your email, your wish list will apprear in your purchasers shopping cart for a 5 click purchase.
  7. Q - How is shipping Calculated?
    A - Shipping is Calculated based on Weight, Location, and the dollar value of your order.
  8. Q - How much would it cost to ship a $500.00 20Kg order to Fort McMurry?
    A - Probably about $26.00, but a $1000.00 order of the same weight 20Kg may cost  only $4.00, hIgher value orders ship at a lower cost.
  9. Q -Do you ship to the USA?
    A - Yes, purchases made will be in US dollars
  10. Q - Do you ship to all 10 provinces and northern Canada?
    A - Yes
  11. Q - Will you ship to Mexico and the Caribbean?
    A - Yes, delivery is generaly slow or expensive.
  12. Q - Can you Rush an order if needed?
    A - Yes, Expediting an order will usually incur extra charges, but we do it all the time, just call or email - sales@strathcon.com.
  13. Q - Do you have products not listed on the web site?
    A - Yes, we have thousands of fasteners not listed, email sales@strathcon.com
  14. Q - Will you ship a product with Canada Post if needed?
    A - Yes, if requested, we can ship any method.
  15. Q - Does Starthcon work with Manufacturers?
    A - Yes, Strathcon has relationships with  German, USA, Taiwan, China, and Canadian manufactures.
  16. Q - Can I save a wish list for recurring orders?
    A - Yes, you can place products in the shopping cart, you will be given to option to save as wish list. Wish lists will  remain until deleted?
  17. Q- I want my purchaser to purchase my wish list, is this possible?
    A - Yes, email your wish list to your purchaser's email address, you will use web site features to easily accompish this.
  18. Q - I ordered the incorrect size, can I return the items?
    A - Generally yes, but if the products  were  special order items, the items are not returnable.
  19. Q - I want to return items purchased from the web site?
    A - Customer is responsible for return shipping costs.Strathcon will issue a credit on your accout, no cash or refunds on credit cards for returned items.  To use your credit, visit Strathcon and check out through the online store and select "On account" payment option.